Monday, March 23, 2009

Oklahoma weather putting a damper on my moving

Well here we go Bobby started his vacation today so we can start moving and the wind is blowing hard enough that it makes it almost to the point of impossible to move with our trailer. The wind is blowing straight out of the south and we have to drive either straight south or run east and west, and there is nothing worse than a hard cross wind. So we have decided that today we are going to spend the day just packing and stacking. Ohh not to mention it is supposed to come in with severe storms this afternoon, and I REALLY don't want to get my piano wet. I'll post pics of the churning Oklahoma skys when I get back home.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Tacking a break from packing *wipes sweat off forehead*......Ohhh the woes of moving. I never realized how much CRAP one family of 4 could acquire. I just realized today that I have boxing still packed from when we moved in here two years ago *sigh*. That is just tooooo much stuff. So i am vowing to go through every box when we get into our new house and get rid of the stuff that I absolutely DO NOT NEED *hand to heart*
I do want to say a great big THANK YOU to my baby brother for all the help he is giving me on caring the real heavy stuff and helping me tout the furniture.
Well I guess it's back to trying to figure out what to pack into the trailer next......:}

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Movin Back Home

We have decided to move back to our old home town. The decision came and was easily made by the slowing down of work at Bobby's job. As with so many others in this dire economy it is better to be safe than sorry. Soo..... Bobby, the kids and I, Including all the horses cats and dogs will be moving. I have 22 acres to put my 4 legged kids on and will be building sheds and lean toos, and places to house my show babies. It looks like that we may miss a few shows this year due to the move BUT.....all in good time.
I will keep all updated on the changes and how the showing is going. Until then....HERES TO THE FUTURE

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Crazy Oklahoma!

Well two days ago it was 90 degrees out here in western Oklahoma and today I woke up to snow on the ground SNOW. This is just crazy. It's no wonder that people around here are sick. In shorts one day and wearing insulated coverall's the next. My poor horses don't know if they need to shed the winter hair or grow more.

On an UP note! My mare Dudes Skip N Five or Angel to all that know her is really close to foaling. Her teets are almost pointing stright down. I just hope she can hold off a few days till this cold air pushes on out, but if not oh well. I will post pics just as soon as the foal is all unfolded! After she foals I will be breeding her back I am just tossed to decided who to breed her too?!? Obviously Two Faced APHA Palomino Tovero or Dun Encountered That AQHA/ABRA/IBHA Buckskin????? Both are nice it may come down to a flip of the coin!! We shall see.........!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Scripture for the day

I feel that I need to post a scripture for today. Maybe someone somewhere will read it and it will bless them in someway, or give them hope or that little extra push of faith that they need. I am by noway forcing my relgion on anyone, so if you don't like this the just simply click close or back.

Proverbs 16: 18-19 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty sprit before a fall. Better to be of a humble sprit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

This was taken out of the NKJV Bible. May God Bless!