Wednesday, June 2, 2010

There is ALWAYS something to do!!

Well this morning started off great! I went outside and moved Rooster over to the round pen so that i could clean his stall. I noticed while I was cleaning his stall that he was stirring up A LOT of dust,

Okay so maybe not quite THAT much dust but enough! I decided to go over and water the round pen! I can't have my boy start coughing now can I! So as I was watering the round pen Freedom started screaming, as in Whoa momma there's a hottie over here!!! I look at him and he is staring intently at my neighbours house. I step around the big tree which is blocking my view and here comes Sensation.
So I drop the hose go over and catch her tie her to the trailer, make sure everyone else is still in, and look to see what the damage is! Horses amaze me, as I couldn't find one single spot where she could have gotten out /:. So I run in to Duncan to get a fence charger as the two that I have are fired, but that's for another post! Anyway 25 miles into Tractor Supply I go. I get there spend $$$ on a new charger, come home give Sensation a drink, finish cleaning the stall put Rooster back in his stall, and take Sensation and put her in the paddock with the electric fence. So by the time all this is done it is now hours later, my day has is but out of whack! Oh well so goes the life of a horse owner, and I love it!

Moral of the story: the grounds always dry, the fence is a some point NOT going to be hot, and the perfect fence ALWAYS has a whole somewhere!

~Toodles C

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